Wedding CONTRACT FORM Click the button below to read the full contract before filling out this form. Full Wedding Contract Your Name * First Name Last Name Your Pronouns * Your Partner's Name * First Name Last Name Your Partner's Pronouns * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Date of Wedding * MM DD YYYY Start time of the wedding (if you know it yet) Hour Minute Second AM PM Time marrier(s) must be finished (again, if you know it yet) Hour Minute Second AM PM Time wedding party must be finished (if you know..) Hour Minute Second AM PM Location of the service the day of Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Who is your photographer and/or videographer? * What is your venue? * Do you have a wedding planner? If so, who? * How did you hear about us? * MARRIER MAKEUP AND HAIR Check all that apply. Pricing is per person. Marrier Makeup $250 Marrier Makeup Trial $100 Marrier Hair $250 Marrier Hair Trial $100 Marrier Grooming $60 on up Extensions (Clip-in Application and Styling ONLY) $50 ATTENDANTS Check all that apply. Pricing is per person. Wedding Party Makeup $175 Wedding Party Hair $175 Flower Child Makeup $50 Flower Child Hair $50 on up Grooming $50 on up Extensions (Clip-in Application and Styling ONLY) $50 ADD ONS Check all that apply. Pricing is per person. Deluxe Lashes (can be used up to 30 times) $40 Tattoo Cover Up $100 on up EXTRAS Check all that apply. Travel (travel is only charged if your wedding is over 20 miles from our location. Then it is $1/mile but we do cap it.) Early Morning Fee $100 an hour (per artist for every hour before 7AM). Holiday Fee $150 per artist for major holidays. Additional Hours $150/hr per artist Extra Artist $250/per artist TOTAL * $ 30% NON-REFUNDABLE retainer $ Remaining balance (due 24 hours before the wedding) $ What’s your preferred payment method to pay the retainer? * Venmo Zelle ApplePay CashApp PayPal Type your full name here * Date Signed * MM DD YYYY Thank you for booking us for your big day! We are honored and excited to work with you.Once we review your contract, we will send you an invoice with the breakdown and total. Your retainer may then be sent to us via Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, CashApp, Stripe, Paypal, etc.